5 Reasons Used Boxes May Not Save Money In Your Move

Posted on: 30 November 2022


Most people want to save money wherever possible when they move to a new house. This is understandable since moving can be a very expensive process. But should you save money by collecting used cardboard boxes instead of buying new ones? The answer may be no. And in fact, it could cost you money instead. Why? Here are a few reasons old boxes might not save you anything. 

1. They Might Be Weak. 

The more a box is used, the weaker it becomes. Cardboard boxes aren't designed for multiple uses. So even a box that started out strong and stable could be in rougher shape than you realize. And as the clock ticks by, you may have to use even the less desirable boxes and take your chances on broken stuff. 

2. They Might Attract Pests. 

What was in the box before you got it? If there may have been food, beverages, chemicals, or other liquids inside it, the residue can attract pests. This isn't usually a big problem if it will only be used for packing up a truck and unloading it upon arrival. But if you plan to store your boxes between moves, don't risk a damaging pest invasion. 

3. They Stack Oddly. 

Unfortunately, most people who rely on used boxes picked up from businesses or donated by friends end up with a wide array of box shapes and sizes. In contrast, moving boxes tend to be more uniform. Why does this matter? Odd shapes and sizes result in more unstable stacks. They also don't fit as well, so you may have to pay for extra space. 

4. They Aren't Customized. 

Moving box producers have honed in on a few important customized box shapes and styles for specific needs. Dish boxes, wardrobe boxes, mirror packs, and even flat-screen protectors all serve to keep expensive or fragile items safer. Failure to use the right container often means broken items when you unpack. 

5. They Can Be Confusing. 

Reduce the chance of errors with the handling of your boxes by avoiding confusion. Boxes designed for a specific product or purpose are usually boldly labeled for those purposes. And the more it's used for other things, the more labels and writing it will accumulate. All this can cause confusion and interfere with tracking your stuff — possibly even resulting in lost items. 

Where Should You Start?

Clearly, miscellaneous used cardboard boxes aren't always the right answer. Start finding the right boxes for your move by viewing the inventory at a box provider in your area such as Reliance Paper Co.